Monday, 15 June 2015


        Are you beginning to question your “manliness” because unlike the other guys your age at school, you do not possess finger boarding skills? The others know how to let their boards fly, and you cannot even hold a board “properly”. Others let their hands be beaten until it turns black and blue just to pay the price of being unable to carry out a back slide three flip. Before you begin questioning your masculinity, try asking yourself this: What is so significant about this anyway?
       A fingerboard, according to Wikipedia, is a working replica of a skateboard that a person “rides” by replicating skateboarding maneuvers with their hand. The device itself is a scaled-down skateboard complete with moving wheels, graphics and trucks. Here in school, it is widely known as the “tech deck.”
     Finger boarding has been evolving fast these days. It has become like a fashion trend in which everyone tries to fit in, and everyone craves for. A survey done by the Young Writers’ Club state that eight out of ten fourth year and third year male students are tech deck users. It turns out, these eight are members of those who casually fail on quizzes and are not active participants of class oral activities. Isn’t this something to worry about?
     The horror is yet to surprise you. The grade school department is also slowly adapting the same “trend” and is even more prone into speaking foul languages every time they fail to perform a trick correctly. Isn’t this much more devastating?
     Tech deck obsession has turned into an endemic campus disease that has captured the young generation. Do you find anything significant in spending a thousand just for a board? Plastic or wood, what is the difference? Maybe only tech deck users could answer this but there are more important things to buy than just plain boards. Why not buy a pad paper than to be a parasite every time a teacher gives out a quiz. Why not use your time wisely by reading your lessons ahead of time; you cannot always sit with a “generous” seatmate. Why not set a good example to the young ones. Would that make you proud if you have a grade three student define a back slide three flip when he could not even add twenty three plus nineteen? Please, act your age and put some common sense with it.
    Imagine yourself finger boarding at school with your friends, having the time of your lives screaming SKA and laughing boisterously, fun isn’t it? Now put yourself in your teacher’s shoes, you are in the middle of your discussion and here goes the SKA thing, what would you feel? This does not deprive you from enjoyment and encourage student cerebral zombies.
    Tech Decks give leisure and happiness for students after hours of listening to scientific formulas, grammar rules and historical events. There is nothing wrong about boarding as long as you do not ignore your responsibilities as students. You know that you have to set boundaries between mere fun and learning. The real question here is: could you finger board your way to success?

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