Saturday, 20 June 2015

OF TEENS AND DRUGS: A Photo Essay --- - Robin Marychelle Cabonita

                 Drugs and alcohol are polluting the minds of young people. Nowadays, drug and alcohol usage is very rampant. But the thing is, some people who are taking these aren’t even at legal age to use it. Yes, you got it right, the teenagers. The main reason why they take these is to look cool and be popular. But they became the noted rebels in society. You might’ve thought these teenagers were humanity’s future, right? You guessed wrong. Being a rebel has its own price.
                 Drugs and alcohol cause young people to be always absent in school, having low or declining grades and the most common, dropping out of school. Research says that drug and alcohol users show a low level of commitment to education.

Because of the frequent use, they only think about doping and drinking. They feel they’re at home with these substances. They are more comfortable with these than education.
All they care about is having fun. They are forgetting the important things in life suitable for their future. But as long as they’re having fun, they’ll keep neglecting education and have a high risk of failing in life if they won’t change for the better.

Users are at high risk than nonusers. Users are more prone to mental health problems. Let’s take for instance some of the famous child stars now turned into crack addicts. (Child stars whom you thought were great examples and models to follow.) But what has happened to them now? Either dead, in rehab or crazy.

Remember Amanda Bynes? That girl from a Nickelodeon show, “All That”? That girl who was talented and funny? Well she only set her dog on fire and went to a liquor store to set the fire off. Why would you set your dog on fire and go to a liquor store to set it off? That’s what drugs and alcohol do to you, honey. She went to rehab and showed signs of schizophrenia because of the over usage of these substances. Do you still want to mess with drugs and alcohol now, huh?

There had been many cases where teens do heinous crimes and even kill themselves. They do this because they think it’s fun and cool.

Sometimes, when a person is under the influence of these substances, he or she can’t control his or her body. These teenagers feel like they are in “Wonderland”. They hallucinate. And if you provoke them, they won’t hesitate to hurt you, even kill you.
Some drugs make them feel depressed  and so they  resort to killing themselves.  They didn’t kill themselves, the drug did. It’s like you’re physically present but mentally absent. Remember, you’re not yourself when you’re under the influence of these substances.
Instead of blaming others why your life is unfair , think further. You can always change yourself. Sometimes, you need to stop depending on others because it’s not all the time that they are right beside you. You don’t need them to change yourself because the only person who could decide that is YOU.

Think things through. There are many consequences for each action. Be responsible and think before you act. When times are low and you feel like giving up, don’t fall victim to drugs and alcohol. These problems are just obstacles for us to get stronger and wiser in life. Everything happens for a reason.
We teens especially have all these kind of mixed up problems and messed up society. You can always do other things rather than doing illegal stuff. You only live once. You can’t turn back time. Don’t waste your future for these substances.

You are your own man. Stand up for what you believe in. Don’t try to act cool because just only by being cool doesn’t get you nowhere. I still have hope for all the other teens out there. Come on, make your choice.

Photo credits: Google Images