Saturday 20 June 2015

A NEW BEGINNING: A Retreatant’s Revelation ---Jeannel Lasquites

                  It was no ordinary day. It was different than the rest. I was filled with excitement and longing. It was a day of hopes aspirations.
                  I awoke in the mid-morning with the sun brightly shining. Thank heavens it was a beautiful day. I spent the morning packing up and ready to go.
                  The sun set and I was in a different scene. Everything around me was new. I was standing in front of a retreat house overlooking the city’s majestic view. It was breathtaking to see the city so calm, filled with glimmering lights from afar and the sea so infinite.
                  I woke up in a seemingly foreign place. It was cozy yet it did not feel like home. It was daybreak and I was sitting in a corner listening to the facilitator and then all of a sudden, tears were falling down my cheeks. I felt the need to let go of all the burden inside and just burst out. Minutes turned but the day was long. I made reconciliation, confessed, spent minutes alone with God and united with my batch.
The end of the retreat has come. No one has even noticed how fast time has gone. It ended so soon and we wanted more.
Our retreat was life-changing. It was one of the events that I did not regret joining. It made me realize the true importance of myself and life per se. it made me see the better side of living other than merely existing. And the most important thing is that it made me closer to my Creator.

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