Monday 15 June 2015


Envious of your “cool” Facebook friends posting updates on their recent night-outs and drinking sessions? Do you feel that strong desire to have a DSLR camera just because “everyone’s” profile pictures showcase them holding one or their pictures were taken by one? Feeling out of place because you aren’t as skinny as the popular girls wearing bikinis as shown by their photo albums? Are you ashamed to post a picture of yourself because “everyone else’s” pictures are too perfect to be true? One answer, don’t be! Here’s why.
From serving as an extended home for both family and friends, Facebook has quickly evolved to becoming a home for entrepreneurs, advertisers and aspiring talents. Though the site is a very good outlet especially when it comes to advertising, it is also the unfortunate dwelling of obvious narcissists.
Narcissism is a personality disorder within which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves. A survey done by York University psychologist Soraya Mehdizadeh in which 50 male and 50 female students were made to answer questions about their demographics, facebook activity, self-esteem, and narcissism, showed that students with comparatively lower self-esteem scores and higher narcissism scores not only spent more time on Facebook, but also tended to "self-promote" more than the students with higher self-esteem scores and lower narcissism scores.
What you see is not really what you get. The number of likes on your posts does not equate to the number of people who truly do love you, never can, never will. Who knows, maybe those “cool” friends of yours have to deal with the guilt of lying to their parents about their recent whereabouts at night. Those DSLR-equipped fellas may not even know what DSLR stands for. The skinny two-piece clad girls may have to starve themselves just to look that “hot”. And those picture perfect smiles? They just might have been photoshopped. So sit back, relax and be you. The greatest accomplishment in the world is not becoming good enough for everybody else, but it is becoming good enough for yourself.


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