Sunday 21 June 2015

Health is Unarguably Wealth --- Gabriel Seth Ente

             “To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Words of wisdom from, guess who? Buddha.
             Ah, yes the ever popular saying, “Health is Wealth.” And a very iconic one at that. But many people still seem to struggle on its true definition. It just means that your health is more valuable than wealth. As long as you are strong and healthy, you can always make money. But what good is health if you’re too sick to enjoy it?
Everybody always tries to find a way to beautify themselves. Well here’s one suggestion: eat healthy. Why do people think that cutting their own food supply will be enough to sustain themselves? Exercise often and eat a balanced meal; what so hard about that? But then, it’s ultimately up to an individual on how they run their lives. But if people want to stay pretty, then they should do it the right way – the healthy way.

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