Tuesday 16 June 2015


     Anne Marie Houston, IV-Perseverance, won 2nd Runner-up for Miss Teen Talisay City 2012  held at Talisay City Sports Complex last October 15, 2012.
     Houston nailed the question and answer portion. “I have no problems answering the questions it’s just that I have to think of ways to make my answer like how they should be answered in beauty pageants.” she said.
     Mrs. Jeanille Cogtas, English Teacher, said the Preliminary question and answer was really heart wracking. “I was praying she wouldn’t pick the question she really disliked the most, she did anyway.” Mrs. Cogtas explained.
     The contestants were given 20 questions the day before the competition. During the pageant, the contestants picked one out of those questions. This is Houston’s question: If you were Mother Earth, how would you address your inhabitants?
     Houston said that she would tell the citizens of the world that she is aching of their neglect and abuse inspite the provisions she has given to them. She also added that people should learn to take care of her not only for their sakes but for their children and their children’s children.
     The crowd was so quiet as each paid attention to Houston’s answer and then roared as soon as she finished. When she reached top 5, the roaring even grew louder.
     Houston faced the final question which was: Talisay City is a finalist of the Most Child-friendly City in the Philippines, as a student what project would you make to make Talisay the Most Child-friendly City in the Philippines?
     She started with a smile and said, “As a student I would help the street children then I could make those children happy because a happy place is a beautiful place to live.” and an even louder roar was heard.
     One of the judges said Anne could have won if she had expounded her answer. He also said that Anne is charming and beautiful.
     Fourteen ladies from different schools in Talisay participated in this annual beauty pageant in lieu of the Talisay City Annual Fiesta.
     The program was hosted by Vince Escario. A dance number was presented by the UC Dance Company depicting the four elements. The contestants wore eco gowns for environmental friendliness as their theme followed by their introduction.
        Another dance number was presented by a duo who performed a dance sport. A VTR was shown during the visiting of the contestants to the  schools and important establishments of Talisay City.
       They ramped once again wearing their playsuits and evening gowns followed by the Question and Answer Portion.
      Special Awards were given to the following contestants:
· Ms. Friendship: Vanessa Kaye Parame (Monterey School Inc.)
· Ms. Photogenic: French Jean Aquillos (Cansojong Technical Vocational School)
· Best in Production Costume: Lestigan Degamo (Lawaan III National High School)
· Best in Playsuits and Best in Evening gown: Lloren Obejero (Cebu Sacred Heart College)
     Vanessa Kaye Parame from Monterey School Inc. won the title as Miss Teen Talisay 2012. Prior to this she already won as muse for the district meet held at Tabunok Central School.
.    The 4th runner up was Maria Ihna Jimenez (Talisay City National High School); 3rd runner up: Lloren Obejero (Cebu Sacred Heart College); and  1st runner up: Hara Cabrera (Talisay Science High School

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