Friday 19 June 2015

Global Warming: A Photo Essay - Razi Navarro & Jared Cagas

Climate change, or more widely known as Global Warming. The Earth has increased 1°F over the past century. No one knows for sure what has caused this, but many of the world’s leading climate scientists suspect this is our doing.
Not so many people seem alarmed by this, but Global Warming can have horrible effects on the environment and therefore, the whole ecosystem. Others believe that mankind cannot affect its environment, but take into consideration our population, if we do stuff that hurt the environment, there is a big chance that the rest of the ten thousand people in your community do as well.
“Bah, who cares, let the scientists figure it out, they always do”, that’s what most people would think. But what each and every one of you do will count, think of it, you and a bunch of friends take public transport instead of using a car. Using a car would have taken half a litre of petrol. There are 7 of you in that jeepney, two are your friends. If each one of you had driven a car instead of riding the jeepney, the 7 of you would take up 3.5 litres of petrol while the jeepney took 2 litres of petrol. Imagine a lot of other people in the same situation, 7 people for each jeepney, multiply 3.5 and 2 by say, 5000 jeepneys. All of the people who used cars would have used up 17’500 litres, while all the people who rode the jeepney used up 10’000 litres. You would’ve saved up seven thousand five hundred litres of fuel and cut back a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
If mankind doesn’t act to save the environment, we will have to adapt to very hot temperatures, and still rising.
Even if humans may survive, most of nature would already be dried up or dead.
I’m sure you’ve all seen Greenland before, it’s made of a lot of ice. Scientists estimate if all the ice on Greenland melts, sea levels would rise 7 metres. To put this into perspective, you’d think a six foot pool is deep, but six feet is just above 1 metre.
Now, compare Greenland with all the ice at the poles. If man ever gets so destructive that even a quarter of all the ice melts, we’re in for big trouble
It could be worse than what you see in this picture below.
We must do all we can to help the environment, simple things you do like turning off appliances when not in use could help the environment and lessen greenhouse emissions.
It’s either this…..
…. Or this
This photo was taken during the nine eleven attack. The second tower came down, the photographer that took this photo was killed in the incident.
Mankind has been irresponsible.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, March 23, 1989

It may take a while to clean up the mess we made. Most are irreversible.
Retreat of the Helheim Glacier, Greenland

                Do what you can, save what you can. Bit by bit.
What You Do Counts
“A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Forests are lungs of our land, giving fresh strength to the people”
-Theodore Roosevelt
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money”
-Cree Indian Proverb
“We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect”
-Aldo Leopold
“This is the first age that’s ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one” – Arthur C. Clarke

 Thanks to:
Razi Navarro
Jared Cagas
Google Image Search
GOM Media Player
Ask Applets

1 comment:

  1. RAzi and Jared were Freshmen when they wrote this as an english project...
