Saturday 20 June 2015

THE LAST LULLABY: Memoirs of a Sea Tragedy - ----- - Cherrie Mae Escraman

                  I’ve taken journeys here and abroad.  But having to see the sights and marvel at the adventures of my homeland was such a moving encounter.  It is with this bearing and outlook that I take pleasure in sailing.  When you’re at sea, nothing beats the morning mist kissing your cheeks.  The fragile body caressed by the cool wintry breeze.   To be in the middle of such incalculable territory creates awareness of your very own existence.
                  Sunset is my most desired scenery.  But somehow, this day isn’t so charmed.  The horizon seemed to whisper certain sadness.  A seclusion I feel, that somehow even my undemanding spirit could not fathom.  The fiery sky turned to gray, a gesture that I am about to close yet another day.  Start a new chapter tomorrow, and I see the twinkling lights from afar.  In a few minutes, I’m going to conquer another territory.
                As I was packing my bags, there was a wobble.  I felt lightheaded that I hold on to a pole to steady my ground.  Then a thundering sound had blown apart my ear drum.  The place turned pitch black.  It seemed that everything had come to a stand still.  My heart was pounding fast.  I tried to find my way but end up in distress.  A gush of pain had encircled my entire body.  The entire ship is now throbbing of anguish, torment, pain, distress and confusion.
                I am numb.  Everything and everyone is hushed.  The mayhem subsided.  I feel so tired.  My eyes are getting heavier for each passing tick of time.  I no longer dread the smashing of the waves around me.  Somehow, I am at peace.  It’s persuading that I take pride in its comfort.  It’s very soothing.  I took a last glance of the flickering lights.  They’re so magnificent… like the stars. 
Taking a deep breath, I now must take my sleep… until then.
Sulpicio Express Siete after mishap with MV St. Thomas Aquinas.... Ferry accident 2013... photo from Google Images

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