Tuesday 16 June 2015


             I’ve been down this road far too many times now, not to know a thing or two about the crazy world of fandom as I myself had my fair share of celebrity crushes and band obsessions.
             Now before you feel guilty or frightened of the fact that this is the current situation you are in, rest assured that this is all a phase you are going to grow out of and for the next thirty years or so, you might be even laughing at this silly stage of your memoir. Nevertheless, we should always know our limits to adoring our oh-so-perfect idols.
            Do you find yourself constantly stalking your idols’ Facebook or twitter page? Waiting for them to reply to your zillionth post or for just posting even the slightest update as to what they are doing. What’s even worse is if you get into fights with people whether via internet or personally just because they said something negative about your idol. So calm your horses every time a certain person mocks your beloved Bieber or your precious Cullen because it will never be worth the guilty throb of your conscience when you “accidentally” insult him/her below the belt. A little inspiration to spice up your life is actually good but going as far as changing your life’s goal to marrying him/her is just plain silly and unrealistic.
        Do not devote all your time and money for something or someone that will eventually change. I’m not saying that you should not support them; just plainly stating that you should know your limitations. That goes with the saying that too much of something is really bad.

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